What do you do with your thrums?
For the uninitiated thrums are the waste yarn left at the end of every project warp, the 10 to 15 inches of yarn left from cut off point to back rod.
When I weave blankets the warps are all a double knit or 8 ply thickness and I keep tying one warp to the next until I can't get a full 8 metre length on the back beam. I then take all the waste off the loom and start again.

But what to do with the waste; all lovely had dyed yarn in about 3 metre lengths. So I keep them in reasonable order and start winding it into a ball tying the next length as I go. I've probably said before I live about 50 minutes from the nearest city so if Pete is driving that's a lot of knitting time each way to say nothing of sitting outside the "Men" shops, Bunnings, Mitre 10 etc. I'm not a great traveler but can manage garter stitch without having to look at it.
Aren't the patterns in the lighter strips wonderful - pure fluke. Each of those strips had 40 stitches, the dark reds had 20 stitches and I think the centre panel had 60 stitches but that wasn't so good for travel especially getting to the end of the 400 rows. It got heavy and awkward to work.
This organic side with all the knots reminds me of a cloak or korowai.
Now available at Pauanesia shop.
Now available at Pauanesia shop.