It must have been in July a fellow fibre artist kept putting posts on faceboook for folks to enter the Franklin Arts Exhibition and as I had woven this rather special wrap I thought I'd support the exhibition by entering. The parcel was left with my son to get in the post on the designated dates and Peter and I went off the Australia for a much needed break. (We flew in to Brisbane and out of Sydney and explored the coast in between.) We had only been home a day and I got a call to say I'd been award a prize and could I come to the opening so we repacked our suitcases and headed back to Auckland. I received second prize in the Functional Textile section. A thrill to be called up on stage and shake the presenters hand.

The warp is 28/2Nm silk and the two wefts are a devine merino I brought home from Rome last year. I'll just say the draft is original, probably part of the twill family. All yarns hand dyed.