A while back Peter called me to his computer and asked what do you think of this, want to go visit. It was a whole page of pictures of Ravenna, a city in Northern Italy and steeped in history and art. You bet I want to visit.
At the same time I was gob-smacked. It was just what was on my computer screen (sort of) in Fiberworks (for the uninitiated fiberworks is weaving software) and I was threading the loom with a navy and turquoise cotton warp sett at 40 epi. The pattern is a 4 colour double weave with blue and an apricot in the weft. Treadled as the warp threading with weft threads pretty much the same thickness as the warp to square the pattern. I thought I was pretty clever with that allowing for shrinkage at different rates in warp and weft. Don't fall off your chairs, for once I did sample.
I'm really smitten with this pattern, there is so much going on. Are they square tiles or diamond shaped? The patterns within the tiles are fun and where the diamond tiles meet there is another circle event happening. The straight draw border brings it all together.

And here is the reverse side with a whole lot of more fun.
The ghastly labels are not mine but this has been entered in the Bay of Plenty Area Exhibition and one must follow the rules. Selection was last weekend so think I'm safe publishing this.
Its a bit odd photographing a table runner on the deck but someone was filling ink cartridges for a photographic printer and had an ooopsy! Our table is not the best now.
The second runner on the same warp with the same weft colours is designed using an altered tie up similar to what Marian Stubenitsky shows in her wonderful book "Weaving with Echo and Iris". Its still four colour double weave but I've altered one half of the tie up.
Have now tied another warp on, this time orange and white. I just love it when the knots all line up nicely.
These are still on the loom and again, lots of little pattern areas to make me excited. Again woven with an altered tie up on 16 shafts in 5 end advancing twill. This time the weft threads are slightly thinner than the warp giving the warp more emphasis.
Love these echoing hearts.
Can't wait to get these mats off the loom.