Dragon's Breath is the outfit I made and had accepted for the Runway Show at Creative Fibre Festival in Christchurch this past weekend.
The outfit consists of an over tunic, skirt and gauntlets.
I imagined the tunic as a kind of coat replacement, to pull on when venturing outside, or just as a roomy, comfortable garment.
The handwoven fabric (4 colour double weave) is highlighted by the contrasting shaggy hand knit collar.
The skirt, 5 x 5 rib, and gauntlets, plated rib, are machine knit.
And that is the end of the secret projects I've been working on the last wee while.
Now back to working on my annual range of scarves for Pauanesia.
Wow, what an amazing outfit. The pieces go together so very well, I'm officially impressed!