I've been having a play with Deflected Double Weave.
Big breath - I did a sample!
Thought I could carry the weft up the selvedge of each layer without cutting and burying it in the fabric.
See those loops, I don't think so! And its worse with the white layer. As you see sometimes its over the other layers and sometimes its under. I'd get one right then forget with the second layer. And its no point in just threading the end into the unwoven areas, it simply fell out, especially during fulling. I had to use what I call the magic loop method described here.

Wove the first scarf (on the left) but thought the weft threads needed some room to move so wove the second putting a 4mm knitting needle between stripes (right) which certainly gave a different effect but decided the benefits did not outweigh the extra time and effort. After that I "eye balled" it.
This scarf was intended for me to go with a top I'm rather fond of but turns out the top is more black, white and grey than taupe and didn't go at all.
As I was using 12 of my 16 shafts I wondered if I could use a couple more shafts and take the weft threads right to the selvedge - yep sure can.
Another variation using a variegated thread, probably from Anna Gratton Ltd, as one of the warp stripes
And then I got really adventurous with the software and worked out three separate layers which I placed at each end of the scarf.
And the third edition I used a soft green instead of purple to cover the variegated layer.
As much as I admire deflected double weave I've decided its not for me at the moment. All that shuttle changing and threading in ends ....
I'll probably have another go later with different threadings and treadlings but for now its shuffled down the list of things to try.
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