Saturday, January 2, 2010

Look what I got

Look what I got for Christmas.  I've read it cover to cover, twice.  This is an excellent book, a very easy read but full of wonderful information from wheel types to designing your own designer yarn and how to get there in between.  Its about deciding what yarn you want and how to create it whether worsted, woollen, designer or plain.  I've been to workshops with Pat and the book reads as though she is standing at my shoulder helping me get the yarn I want.  There are two very useful pages talking about fleece types and breeds of New Zealand sheep which I'm sure anyone from other countries could substitute with their own  breeds.  A must have for any spinners library available from Majacraft.

This pile of "compost" is the thrums left from my last woven blanket and could be my next designer yarn if I can be brave enough to risk life and limb climbing an extension ladder to the attic to use my drum carder.  That's how inspired I've been by this gem of a book.

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